Urgensi Introduksi Konsep “Putusan Arbitrase Non-Domestik” Dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Arbitrase Di Indonesia
Pendahuluan Sejak tahun lalu beredar kabar bahwa Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia tengah mempersiapkan produk baru berupa Peraturan Mahkamah Agung yang khusus mengatur tentang pemeriksaan permohonan pelaksanaan dan pembatalan putusan arbitrase ("Raperma"). Upaya ini...
Indonesia Removing Arbitration Clause in Its Investment Approvals
Under Indonesian Investment Law No. 25 of 2007 (the “Investment Law’), foreign investors may only invest in Indonesia through a locally incorporated company, either by new incorporation or by acquiring shares in the existing local company. There are some exceptions of...
Anti Dumping Dispute in Indonesia
Like any other litigation in other areas of laws, anti dumping measure may be challenged. Article 13 of the WTO Anti Dumping Agreement provides that: “Each Member whose national legislation contains provisions on anti‑dumping measures shall maintain judicial, arbitral...